Thursday, July 03, 2008

ThickerLongerBetter Part II


SPINLASH™ is a battery-driven mascara wand that is available at Target and CVS. It comes with its own mascara cartridge, but I use it applying my "regular" mascara (I've been trying out so many different mascaras that I really can't call anything my regular mascara). By pressing either end of the switch, SPINLASH™ can turn clockwise or counterclockwise. It spins very slowly. SpinLash does seem to define and separate my lashes and accentuate curl. Call SPINLASH™ a buy.

What we women go through to get ThickerLongerBetter eyelashes! My totally hot nephew (dare I say this because I'm his auntie?) in India has naturally long and thick eyelashes that I have to recreate with eyeliner and mascara. I envy him!

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